My favorite long-form essays
These are obviously much longer than an average article. If you’re reading this on your phone, bookmark it for later, when you can set aside a couple of hours!
Biological Wifi: The Science of Energy Medicine
Biofield science is a novel framework for understanding energy medicine.
Tim Urban on the time you have left with your loved ones
It turns out that when I graduated from high school, I had already used up 93% of my in-person parent time. I’m now enjoying the last 5% of that time.
Using Metaphors to Explain Complex Ideas
With metaphors, we get fine-grained control over what's most important about the concept, and cut out all the noise.
Music for Productivity: Brainwaves
What is the deal with YouTube videos claiming to give you 'super intelligence' and apps promising to get you into a flow state?
Music for Productivity: Adaptive Music
What is adaptive music and how does it work? How does the music adapt to you? Are there adaptive music apps to help you focus?
Frictionless learning
Imagine if we could get rid of all of the overhead associated with learning. What does a frictionless learning environment look like?
Music for Productivity: The Basics
Why does music help you concentrate? What makes good background music? How can music be distracting?
Why learn about using music for productivity?
Why I'm writing a series about music for productivity and why should anyone care?
Decoding musical taste
No more likes or skips. Your brainwaves would tell Spotify everything it needs to know!