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Can e-ink be a viable alternative to LCD screens?

Our future selves might be shocked to think back to when we used backlit displays for all of the various digital tasks in our lives.

Can e-ink be a viable alternative to LCD screens?
Members Public

BCI 2022: Peloton for the Mind

We need to start thinking of focus as the mental equivalent of cardio. We need a Peloton for the mind.

BCI 2022: Peloton for the Mind
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BCI 2022: Musical Taste Decoded

What if Spotify had direct access to your musical taste? It would instantly know whether or not you like a song as you listen to it.

BCI 2022: Musical Taste Decoded
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Music for Productivity: Brainwaves

What is the deal with YouTube videos claiming to give you 'super intelligence' and apps promising to get you into a flow state?

Music for Productivity: Brainwaves
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Music for Productivity: Adaptive Music

What is adaptive music and how does it work? How does the music adapt to you? Are there adaptive music apps to help you focus?

Music for Productivity: Adaptive Music
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Music for Productivity: The Basics

Why does music help you concentrate? What makes good background music? How can music be distracting?

Music for Productivity: The Basics
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Why learn about using music for productivity?

Why I'm writing a series about music for productivity and why should anyone care?

Why learn about using music for productivity?
Members Public

The Freedom of Attention

While the defining paradigm shift in technology over the past few years has been that of privacy rights, the next ethical movement will be for our freedom of attention.

The Freedom of Attention