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The future of long-form content

Despite the overall trend towards bite-sized content, podcasts have exploded as a new long-form medium in the last few years.

The future of long-form content
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Tuning in to inner speech

How would you describe your inner speech? How often are you aware of it? What type of roles does it play in your life?

Tuning in to inner speech
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Reading is different for everyone

You might think that most people have reasonably similar mental states, but it would be incredibly disorienting to be in another person’s head.

Reading is different for everyone
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Time perception is linked with our experience of self

The felt experience of time is just as important as the science behind it. Neuroscience AND philosophy are needed to fully appreciate time.

Time perception is linked with our experience of self
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Learning how to learn

By breaking down a complex skill into individual components, you could design bespoke drills to rapidly improve your weaknesses.

Learning how to learn
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Untranslatable words

A language’s untranslatable words, that have no direct equivalent in other languages, actually clue you in to the intricacies of the culture.

Untranslatable words
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Why does life feel faster with every year

As we start to see life’s patterns at progressively higher levels, the lower level of perception become more and more invisible.

Why does life feel faster with every year
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A More Humane Representation of Thought

As a culture, we’ve contorted ourselves around the limitations of our static mediums.

A More Humane Representation of Thought
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A collection of sci-fi short stories

The genius of this story is in the structure - Ted introduces a parallel narrative that is set in the past.

A collection of sci-fi short stories
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How to Take Smart Notes

The core principle is getting compound interest on past thinking - never having to think through the same idea more than once.

How to Take Smart Notes